Books and Me: Winning in Turbulence

Title: Winning in Turbulence

Author: Darrell Rigby

This book is not what it looks like! Don’t get carried away by its appearance. You will realize as soon as you get into the book, within a few pages that it’s definitely not a casual reading. It contains some of the best thoughts on ‘Managing in Turbulent Times’ in concise form. It lives up to the series that it belongs to – ‘Memo to the CEO’. WIT

Every CEO / Entrepreneur / Small Business Owner should read the book. It has enough tips, tricks, techniques that can enable you sustain, survive and thrive during a rough patch. Considering that rough patches have become more frequent and more turbulent – such books are a useful addition to the leader’s bookshelf.

The book being in its concise form leaves a lot to be read further, if a leader wants to use any of the important ideas. Since it comes from Bain and Company, almost all the references also lead to their other works. Right from concepts on the core and adjacencies to Net Promoter Score – all of which are concepts, tools, and frameworks of Bain, they lead you inherently to further books and reading based on research at Bain. There is no doubt that each of them are wonderful books and extremely useful concepts and frameworks. This little book at times seems like a curtain raiser to the Bain concepts at large. The book infact matches your challenge to the right tool and book for your further consideration.

I enjoyed reading the book a lot. Being a strategy researcher and consultant, I take away a lot of interesting inputs and triggers for further thinking. Overall a book that will remain relevant for days to come!